
Mastering Ownership & Accountability

In this 8 week course, we introduce the fundamental aspects of Shadow Work and take you on a journey of how to embody a radical sense of OWNERSHIP & RESPONSIBILITY, which is crucial if one is to walk a path of integrity and authenticity in this world.



Mastering Ownership & Accountability

8 Week Online Course

Perfect for people who are brand new to shadow work, and also extremely valuable for people who have been on their spiritual journey for years. The transmissions that Anabel and Dan bring through, are on the leading edge in the field of personal transformation.

About Your Guides

The way that these two individuals ā€˜stream their wisdomā€™, is much more potent than any scripted videos or content that they are able to record. As you will feel from connecting with their energy, the calls are FULL of opportunities for insight and breakthrough, and are designed to be used over long periods to come back to to draw more from each lesson and the accompanying pdfs & practices.

The Lines

The ā€˜Linesā€™, are the 6 lines of hexagrams of the ancient i-ching, and are something that is explored in great depth and detail throughout this course. Connecting your awareness to these frequencies provides a more acute discernment tool in the exploration of recurring themes in your life. They contain permissions within them that can completely shift oneā€™s reality and approach.

SoulWork Journey

They include specific SoulWork (homework), self study and inquiry practices that will deepen your knowledge of self, and the mechanisms that are directing underneath the surface of your life and looking for the most attention in order to be integrated.

Mastering Ownership & Accountability

8 Week Self-Guided Course

Learn theĀ fundamental aspects of Shadow Work and start your journey of inner wisdom.




WEEK 1:Ā Metaphysics of Shadow
How to embody a radical sense of Ownership & Responsibility in your reality

WEEK 2: Your Lifeā€™s Work: Harnessing the Power of the Sun
Alignment to the full expression of what you are Here to Do

WEEK 3:Ā Transcending Self Judgement & the Inner Critic
The Mythology of Challenge and Embracing it in your Life

WEEK 4:Ā Evolution: Embracing Your Superpower

The Mythology of Challenge and Embracing it in your Life

WEEK 5:Ā Integration, Q&A & Personal Readings Session

WEEK 6:Ā Radiance: The Inner Sunlight
Cultivating The Power of your Energy Field

WEEK 7:Ā Purpose: The Art of Being
Grounding Higher Calling & Clearing the Body Vessel

WEEK 8:Ā Integration,
Q&A & Personal Readings Session

* Content from this program is pre-recorded from previous group journey in May 2024. Sessions run up to 3 hours long and include pdf's, self study and inquiry practices.

We will be running a 3 month program in the near future that builds upon this course and supports your journey into your most authentic and embodied self.


"Prior to working with Dan, I had just stopped running my business in the way I always had - and had been trained to - and decided to go inward to listen to what my soul and existence were trying to tell me.

It wasnā€™t what I wanted to hear, rather what I needed to hearā€¦ I was told to let go and trust - To surrender more deeply than I ever had...

Dan and I began our work together and life has truly never been the same. This is shadow work at a whole other level.Iā€™ve never died and been reborn so much in my life than I have in these last 2 years.

Itā€™s been gritty. Iā€™ve been stripped down to nothing, more times than I can count, and Dan has held me through all of it. Heā€™s encouraged me to trust where Iā€™m
being led and that ease will always be right for me. To know that the more I lean into my fear, my shadows and my edges, the more effortless magnetism will be unlocked for me to thrive in, and that is EXACTLY what has happened.

Thank you Dan, for holding me in such a deep container and not ā€˜fixing meā€™ or ā€˜saving meā€™. Thank you for seeing me fully in all ways and allowing me the space to soften and surrender, even when I thought there was no more that I could!"

~ Bre Watkins

"When I came to Anabel I was overwhelmed and swimming in confusion and doubt. through her guidance I was able to ground back into my body and womb. I hadn't realized that it was within my body, where I was holding all of the confusion and doubt. Anabel helped me process the Grief that had been bottled up for so long.

I wouldnā€™t have descended so deep into this doorway without feeling safe, this was important for me, and this is exactly what she gave me when I came to work with her.

A safe space and permission to go deep."

~ Gloria Valdez

Your guides, Anabel & Dan, will be running a 3 month program called ā€˜The Deepeningā€™ inĀ JuneĀ this year that will continue furthering the aspects of Shadow Work and cultivation of inner wisdom.

Please share your details below to stay updated on starting dates of upcoming programs &Ā shared resources.