Experiential Wisdom Teachings

A space to support your journey into your most authentic & embodied self

Explore our selection of resources, courses and masterclasses covering the themes of shadow work, inner cultivation practices, Gene Keys, and other forms of wisdom curated to assist in your journey of personal growth and expansion.


Online Immersion

June 5th to August 21st, 2024

A three month deep-dive into your unique shadows and earliest coping strategies. The personal and ancestral wound patterns that you are imprinted with by choosing to be a human in this mysterious game of life!

Utilizing the Gene Keys Venus Sequence and other tools and practices, Anabel & Dan will personally guide you, and an intimate group of courageous beings, deep into the heart of your unique template, and the spaces where the tenderest and most precious gold resides, our wounding.


Meet your Guides...

Anabel Vizcarra &
Daniel Regan

Dan & Anabel have over 30 years combined experience in the realm of inner journey work and shadow work.

They are Ambassadors of the Gene Keys Wisdom, which is a profound technology of acute shadow-work, a wound map, that allows individuals to unlock their Genius through their own genetic coding and archetypal themes that are running through their reality.

For more on Gene Keys go here   ➝

Learn the fundamental aspects of Shadow Work and take you on a journey of how to embody a radical sense of OWNERSHIP & RESPONSIBILITY, which is crucial if one is to walk a path of integrity and authenticity in this world.

Below are a series of masterclasses which allow any individual to learn the fundamental aspects of inner cultivation work. They take you on a journey of how to embody a radical sense of OWNERSHIP & RESPONSIBILITY, which is crucial if one is to walk a path of integrity and authenticity in this world.
The transmissions that Anabel and Dan bring through are on the leading edge in the field of personal transformation, and more are in the pipeline and will be released soon.

The Metaphysics of Shadow Work


Join Dan & Anabel as they explore the vital themes and foundations of all Shadow Work.

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Herein they cover the necessary tools and awareness to effectively understand, and mine our shadow worlds to get the most out of our inner cultivation process.
These Classes explore in a very comprehensive way, the ‘line frequencies’ that are a crucial, yet often overlooked part of this body of wisdom. They both pour their passion and understanding through, to unpack the profound and fascinating ways in which the line themes bring the color & personality to the key of each sphere. This creates the fullest picture and story in which you are able to gain the most from your own unique exploration.
These lessons were streamed LIVE in a group field. In this setting they are both at their absolute best in bringing through the embodied & experiential wisdom stream. These masterclasses are ‘transmission based’, and can be revisited repeatedly as your inner inquiry process deepens and the gold within unlocks and emerges in a greater way.


The Sphere of your Life's Work


Join Dan & Anabel as they explore the importance of, and the many aspects of the Life's Work sphere.

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This masterclass will help you embody a deeper understanding into how these key archetypes and line themes wish to express themselves through you. In both mystical and unique ways you can uncover what lies hidden that requires awareness and acceptance in order to fully embody the gift frequencies.
These gift frequencies are what you are here to express into the world through the energies of the sun.

These Classes explore in a very comprehensive way, the ‘line frequencies’ that are a crucial, yet often overlooked part of this body of wisdom. They both pour their passion and understanding through, to unpack the profound and fascinating ways in which the line themes bring the color & personality to the key of each sphere. This creates the fullest picture and story in which you are able to gain the most from your own unique exploration.
These lessons were streamed LIVE in a group field. In this setting they are both at their absolute best in bringing through the embodied & experiential wisdom stream. These masterclasses are ‘transmission based’, and can be revisited repeatedly as your inner inquiry process deepens and the gold within unlocks and emerges in a greater way.


The Sphere of your Evolution


Join Dan & Anabel as they explore what the Evolution sphere is, and what it will assist you to anchor in your life.

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They explore its vital relationship to your Life's Work and how to effectively alchemize its lifelong themes of challenge in order to become the superpower that fuels your greatest, embodied expression.
These Classes explore in a very comprehensive way, the ‘line frequencies’ that are a crucial, yet often overlooked part of this body of wisdom. They both pour their passion and understanding through, to unpack the profound and fascinating ways in which the line themes bring the color & personality to the key of each sphere. This creates the fullest picture and story in which you are able to gain the most from your own unique exploration.
These lessons were streamed LIVE in a group field. In this setting they are both at their absolute best in bringing through the embodied & experiential wisdom stream. These masterclasses are ‘transmission based’, and can be revisited repeatedly as your inner inquiry process deepens and the gold within unlocks and emerges in a greater way.


The Sphere of your Radiance


Join Dan & Anabel as they explore the inner light and vitality of the Radiance sphere.

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Every sphere has its unique and necessary components to understand when working with them. The Radiance sphere is also coined the ‘most magical key’. In this lesson we learn how to cultivate and mature an inner radiance that emanates the gift of this gene key & line and how to support your process when the shadow tendencies rise to undermine your light.
These Classes explore in a very comprehensive way, the ‘line frequencies’ that are a crucial, yet often overlooked part of this body of wisdom. They both pour their passion and understanding through, to unpack the profound and fascinating ways in which the line themes bring the color & personality to the key of each sphere. This creates the fullest picture and story in which you are able to gain the most from your own unique exploration.
These lessons were streamed LIVE in a group field. In this setting they are both at their absolute best in bringing through the embodied & experiential wisdom stream. These masterclasses are ‘transmission based’, and can be revisited repeatedly as your inner inquiry process deepens and the gold within unlocks and emerges in a greater way.


The Sphere of your Purpose


Join Dan & Anabel as they explore, with a very unique approach, how to incorporate the body with your Purpose key in order to ground it into your life.

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This is where the word EMBODIMENT really becomes ALIVE and invites us into a deeper journey into our physical vessels that aligns ancestry into purpose, in very powerful and life changing ways.
These Classes explore in a very comprehensive way, the ‘line frequencies’ that are a crucial, yet often overlooked part of this body of wisdom. They both pour their passion and understanding through, to unpack the profound and fascinating ways in which the line themes bring the color & personality to the key of each sphere. This creates the fullest picture and story in which you are able to gain the most from your own unique exploration.
These lessons were streamed LIVE in a group field. In this setting they are both at their absolute best in bringing through the embodied & experiential wisdom stream. These masterclasses are ‘transmission based’, and can be revisited repeatedly as your inner inquiry process deepens and the gold within unlocks and emerges in a greater way.


The Sphere of your Purpose in Relationships


Join Dan & Anabel as they emphasize the importance of bringing awareness to these patterns, as they will be mirrored in our lives when we connect to this information - A perfect intensification to show you what's up!

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Our relationships are the coal face of our whole evolution here on earth.
As gritty as they get, they always hold the gold, as we show up with the willingness to explore our triggers and upsets, and to own more of our unique shadow content.
This masterclass we take you on a journey down and into the specific ways in which you relate, what gifts you are here to bring to the world in how you relate to others and to life, and what the specific shadow mechanisms are that inform your experience - awaiting full ownership so you can bring the best version of yourself to this game of life!


The Sphere of your Attraction


In this Masterclass, we explore your Attractor Field and the core truths behind why we attract and repel certain patterns, based on our own unique energy signature and template.

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This is one of the most fascinating spheres of the Keys synthesis, once you begin to understand how your energy, and the energies you’re attracting in work, and why they are so persistent, your awareness can go to work and shift the game and your frequency, forever.
As gritty as they get, they always hold the gold, as we show up with the willingness to explore our triggers and upsets, and to own more of our unique shadow content.
There is no end to the potentials stored up in this one!


The Sphere of your IQ


In this masterclass we will take you on a journey deeeep into how your psyche formed in the 3rd seven year developmental cycle (14-21 years) and the profound nature of the way we incarnate in - with specific tendencies of how our minds are designed to operate and grow in their infinite intelligence.

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We also take a very comprehensive look at what specifically undermines you in this mental aspect of being - Why this is the way it is, and how, through awareness and presence you will be able to create more mental clarity and lucidity than ever before moving forward.


The Sphere of your EQ


This masterclass - Recorded in two sessions over the span of almost 3.5 hours, will greatly assist you in understanding your emotional body and the way it was conditioned and formed. This explores the patterns that were formed ages 7-14.

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Here, we find the ways in which we developed or underdeveloped our emotional intelligence. This is where the chemical reactions materialize and we move into reactivity, volatility or repression.
Understanding how to support the emotional body will allow you to learn and practice how to RESPOND and engage with self and others in triggered moments and refine the skills necessary to express your emotions from a clear and more masterful space.!


The Sphere of your SQ


In this masterclass we go on a mythical journey into the sphere of the SQ, and how the 1st seven years of your life, formed so much of the unconscious patterns and tendencies that still inform your life today. It was a really enjoyable lesson to record!

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We do our best to go underneath the mind, underneath the emotions in order to tap into the magic that resides beneath the words, ideas and logical concepts we’re so used to in this life.
This one is a deeper invitation to experience the awakened heart!


The Sphere of your Core


There is a mythology wrapped around our life, based around a specific wound imprint that we inherited and entered the world with. As a dormant seed that then activated in our earliest years, this wound mechanism cuts to the core of why a lot of the programs and the patterns that are on our own unique ‘wound maps’, are as they are.

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They not only point the way to amazing revelations about why our story has played out the way it has, it also gives us a huge capacity for the deeper acceptance of this life experience, and why we can endure so much in this life, especially when we have the courage and the willingness to keep turning inwards.
This was a very moving call for all involved, and we’re sure you’ll get a lot of great insight from it.


The way that Anabel & Dan ‘stream their wisdom’ live on calls is so much more potent than any scripted videos or content that they are able to record. As you will feel from connecting with their energy, these classes are full of opportunities for deeper personal insight, breakthroughs and epiphanies. They are designed to be used over long periods, to return to as to draw more from each lesson and the accompanying pdfs & practices.

Please share your details below to stay updated on upcoming programs & resources created continue furthering the aspects of Shadow Work and cultivation of inner wisdom.